Tuesday, May 29, 2018

organix trio: creative alliance, baltimore 5/18/18

bass knows to return
to the tonic 
he comes back to it
as though his lines
are magnetized
flying through the air
in a spinning
diving return
like a dragonfly
above a pond

drummer accelerates
each hit
picking up force
causing the bass
to alter now
into a five-note
metal and wood figure
then bass lets
the drummer
go solo

each rhythmic phrase
sketched by the sticks 
divides and subdivides
like zeno’s arrow
forever moving toward
its mark
and forever
breaking into fractions of
the original beat

he loses a drumstick
bandleader jamaal
hands it back to him
drummer pops and cracks
more lightning
on the kit and stops
the song over
he removes his hat
wipes the sweat
from his forehead

Photo by Dan Hanrahan

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